Our parish ministries reach from within our community to the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world, all with the mission to glorify and serve the Lord and His Church.
Serve and be served!
Audio/Visual Production Team: set up sound equipment or run projection equipment at regular Sunday Masses or occasional parish events. Moderate training provided. Michael Paul Leon:
Life Night Meal Prep: help plan and prepare a delicious and nutritious supper for about 30 teens on occasional Sunday afternoons to support our high school youth ministry program. Michael
Bereavement Ministry: help grieving families to plan funerals, memorial services, vigils, or rosaries; coordinate with the mortuary; assist the priest, family, and guests at the memorial service; provide additional support after the funeral. Training provided.
Visiting the Sick: deliver the Eucharist to the homebound or to persons in local hospitals or convalescent homes. Training provided.
Men’s Group: all parish men are invited to join in prayer and discussion every Wednesday morning at 6am in the Evangelization Center at Holy Redeemer. Dan Lee:
Women’s Group: all parish women are invited to join in prayer and discussion every Wednesday morning at 9:30am in the Dinah Martin Ministry Center at Holy Redeemer or by Zoom and Wednesday evenings at 7pm by Zoom. Trish Swords:
Seniors: Pioneer Club meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 11am at Holy Redeemer in the hall.
Eucharistic Ministers: assist celebrants in the distribution of the sacred Body and Blood of Christ at scheduled Sunday Masses, holy days, or daily Masses. Training and quarterly formation meetings required.
Lectors: proclaim the Word of God at scheduled Sunday Masses, holy days, or daily Masses. Training provided and monthly meetings.
Host Team: promote the spirit of hospitality at Sunday Masses, greet people arriving for Mass, help people find seats as needed, take up the collection, count the attendees, and hand out bulletins.
Choir: add to the beauty of our Sunday liturgy by singing at the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Increase your skills; discover the pleasure of being in an ensemble; learn to be a cantor or psalmist. There are opportunities for all volunteers. Rehearsals on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. Andrea Anderson:
Sacristans: on pre-scheduled days, prepare the altar for celebration of the Eucharist, including dressing the altar, lighting candles, preparing the bread and wine, placing the books, and laying out anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, and processional crosses. Training required and provided. Fr. Mike:
Altar Servers: at Sunday Masses, carry the cross and candles in the entrance procession; hold the book for the priest when he’s not at the altar; carry the incense and censer; present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during preparation of the gifts; wash the hands of the priest; and otherwise assist the priest as needed. Fifth grade and up. Training required and provided.
Altar Society/Altar Guild: tend the flowers; clean the candleholders; wash and iron the altar linens and towels; help keep the church and sacristy in good order.
Liturgy/Environment Committee: help plan upcoming liturgical seasons and coordinate with all liturgical ministries, meetings scheduled as needed.
Decorating the Church: help with the planning of church decorations and/or help with the actual physical work of decorating the church for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, or other special celebrations. Gigi Quizon:
Youth Ministry Core Team: pray with and journey with high-school-aged teens as they fall in love with their faith. Core team members serve as small group discussion leaders, speakers, and games facilitators— but mostly they form strong and lasting relationships. 2-4 hours every other Sunday. VIRTUS training required. Michael Paul:
Small Group Facilitator: Lead small groups in discussion during scripture study or seasonal programs during Advent and Lent. Trish Swords:
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): confirmed Catholics are needed to support, accompany, and help prepare adults who are seeking baptism, confirmation, and a deeper relationship with God. Diana Leff:
Children’s Catechists: catechists are needed to assist with religious education on Sunday mornings during the school year; to assist with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 10am Sunday Mass; and to assist with Vacation Bible School during summer. VIRTUS training required. Training and resources supplied. Trish Swords:
Brothers’ Helpers: help cook and prepare meals for the homeless or for victims of domestic violence (3:00-5:30 Tuesdays at HR; Thursdays at SJ); package meals and load the delivery van (5:30-6:30). Volunteers are especially needed to deliver and serve the meals in person at La Placita in downtown Los Angeles (7:00 – 8:30 pm). Tad Edwards: Bill Maddigan:
Knit & Crochet: we knit and crochet items that are donated to hospitals, parishes, and nonprofit organizations in our area. Some of the items donated are bed slippers for convalescent homes, scarves and hats for the troops, baby items for expectant mothers in need. First and third Thursday of every month, from 12:00 to 2:30 at Healy Hall. Betty Molinaro:
St. Vincent de Paul: grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need. Help with fundraising activities; provide food, clothing, or furniture; or help pay for rent or lodging or auto repairs as needed. Dolores Brombereck: 818-249-2008 ext. 572
Knights of Columbus Crescenta Valley Council 3254: support the activities of a Catholic fraternal service organization that provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, the community, families, and young people. 818-249-4539
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry: help put out and collect monthly flyers; or help to gather and deliver donated food to the food pantry in Glendale.